

World comparisons. Ecofootprints and greenhouse gas pollution.

Data on World comparisons. Ecofootprints and greenhouse gas pollution. From Fred Pearce’s 2010 book PeopleQuake. (details in BOOK LIST).The Richest 1 billion people on the planet on average are Consuming Resources and Producing Waste at 32 times the rate  of the remaining 6 billion.

The richest 7% of the people on the planet  emit 50% of  the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change.

The poorest 45%  of the people on the planet  emit 7% of  the greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change.

In 2008 the world’s population of 6.8 billion consumed more than 30% more of the planet’s resources than it can sustain.

Ecofootprints in equavalent hectares of productive land to deliver.

Average US citizens use 9.5 hectares.

Average Australians, Canadians use 7 hectares.

Average Europeans, Japanese use 4 to 5 hectares

Average Chinese use 2.1 hectares

Average Indians, Africans use 1 or less hectarers.

Data from Fred Pearce’s 2010 book PeopleQuake. Find details in BOOK LIST alphabetically under Pearce, Fred