

50 book list What are your top green books? by Leo Hickman

28/1/2010 Guardin “What’s your favourite ‘green’ book?” I get asked this question quite a bit and I always struggle for an answer. Read the rest of this entry »

Cap-and-trade fatal flaws exposed by James Hansen - his proposal is Fee-and-Dividend

James Hansen’s excellent book Storms of My Grandchildren, 2009 Bloomsbury includes a exposure of faults with Cap-and-Trade, Read the rest of this entry »

New Jim Hansen Youtube video and his book website

Jim Hansen’s book STORMS OF MY GRANDCHILDREN is the most important book on climate change by far (editor). Read the rest of this entry »

James Hansen exposes the folly of cap-and-trade plans in an open letter

14/1/2010 Guardian  “You are choosing the path focused on corporate greed,” climate scientist James Hansen has told carbon traders in a open letter which he and climate activists attempted to deliver to a carbon trading conference in New York today. Read the rest of this entry »